Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Picture of B.B.B.B. as promised and other stuff...

So...I am now calling B.B.B.B. "Bootsie" it's just easier to say. So first off, I have to point out that the minute the very nice nurse at Dr. Rao's office slapped Bootsie on me, I thought, "I wonder if this thing can be bedazzled or something...wow, that's ugly". So tonight, I very briefly saw Steph for her birthday and the first thing she said was, "you want me to bedazzle that for you"...I love my friends! :-)
Here's the lovely Bootsie:
Gorgeous ain't she!  

Zach had football camp again today, he did really well.  I have a great picture of him just about to catch a pass...but the stupid camera won't give it up...argghh.  Towards the end of camp today, they split all the boys up into teams and played, "Razzle Dazzle" (which as far as I could tell, meant we are now scrimmaging but you are not allowed to tackle each other)  They played "skins" against "shirts"....guess which team Zach was on...yep.."skins".  At one point he came running over to Madalyne and I and said, "This is soooo cool, I don't have a shirt on, did you notice, no shirt" :-)

This was all well and good till later this afternoon when Madalyne and Zach were running out the back door to "throw the pigskin around"  (seriously...where do they come up with this stuff) and I hear Madalyne say, "Let's play teams, I'll be SKINS....uhhh WHAT??  Picture me and Bootsie making a beeline (slowly) down the stairs and out the back door to make darn sure that my baby GIRL STILL HAD HER SHIRT ON!!!  Then we calmly had a talk about why girls are NEVER on the "skins" team!

Here's one last picture;
Some of you know that we have a new addition named "Murphy", he's a Borador (Border Collie and Lab mix) we were worried about how he and Daphne would get along....seems they are just fine.   

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